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Is Black Lives Matter a Communist or Terrorist Organization?

Updated 11-23-2021

For those who actually think Black Lives Matter is a "good" organization and were actually stupid (or evil) enough to give this terrorist organization positive marks in a poll, here are some facts (not my opinions), as most are from their own words and actions.
Yet sadly our MSM refuses to reports these facts as they are on the side of evil, communism, and terrorism. As well, this Terrorist organization hijacked the George Floyd murder which might have been able to achieve real police reform that most admit is needed for ALL races and not just for unjust killings, but simple abuses of power. However many are so burned out by the terrorism of BLM that the message is now lost.

Black Lives Matter is a Coomunist Terrorist Oranization

Fact One:
BLM Leader Says Whites 'Sub-Human,' Should Be 'Wiped Out'
Reference: BLM Leader Says Whites ‘Sub-Human,’ Should Be ‘Wiped Out’

Fact Two:
Black Lives Matter co-founder describes herself as 'trained Marxist'
Reference: Black Lives Matter co-founder describes herself as ‘trained Marxist’

Fact Three:
Black Lives Matter fundraising handled by group with convicted terrorist on its board
Reference: Black Lives Matter fundraising handled by group with convicted terrorist on its board

Fact Four:
Black Lives Matter Leader Threatens to Burn the Country Down
Reference: Black Lives Matter Leader Threatens to Burn the Country Down

Fact Five:
The use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes.
Reference: Dictionary.com; terrorism

Fact Six:
Black Lives Matter Support and connections to/for Terrorist group Hamas Reference: BLACK LIVES MATTER and its Muslim partners in crime from CAIR/Hamas (warning some very disturbing videos including the beating of a young woman)
Reference: Hamas and Black Lives Matter: A marriage made in hell

Fact Seven:
Black Lives Matter Declares War on Family which is right out of the Communist & Fascist manifestos as for both Lenin and Hitler, as both believe the State is better equipped to raise the family (despite statistics that show otherwise).
Reference: Black Lives Matter Declares War on Family

Fact Eight:
BLM was founded on a false premise and lies
Reference: Video; The Trayvon Hoax: Unmasking the Witness Fraud that Divided America

Fact Nine:
BLM hates Christians
Reference: Godless BLM Rioters ATTACK CHRISTIANS on Church Steps, Disrupt Sermon with “Black Lives Matter” Chants

Fact Ten:
BLM is racist; A co-founder of the Black Lives Matter chapter in Toronto wrote in a now-deleted Facebook post that "white people are a genetic defect of blackness."
Reference: BLM leader: Whites are subhuman 'genetic defects'

Fact Eleven:
BLM member kills young lady for stating "all lives matter"
Reference: Young mom, 24, shot dead ‘after telling Black Lives Matter protesters “all lives matter” during argument about movement’

Fact Twelve:
When they say “Black Lives Matter,” it is clear the left does not mean black lives like the one of Bernell Tremmell.
Reference: Black Man Known for Standing Outside With ‘Vote Trump’ Signs Murdered in Broad Daylight

Fact Thirteen:
With the burning of Bibles, the similarities between BLM/ Antifa agitators in the United States and the Chinese Communist Party, along with the Brownshirt Nazis continue to grow.
Reference: Burning Bibles in Portland Shows their true Colors

Fact Fourteen:
BLM/Antifa murders local Portland man just because he was wearing a MAGA hat, then brags about it at rally.

Fact Fifteen:
BLM harass persons leaving RNC including gay man throwing out homophoebic slurs.
Reference: Brandon Straka speaks out after enduring homophobic attack from BLM activists

Fact Sixteen:
Person attempts to assassinate to officers in cold blood and BLM protestors show up at hospital yelling that they hope they will die and attempting to block entry into the hospital.
Reference: Protesters show up at LA hospital treating ambushed cops, yell 'I hope they f------ die'

Fact Seventeen:
BLM uses terrorist tactics to shake down Trader Joes for money.
Reference: Coming soon, food desert: BLM shakes down Seattle Trader Joe's for a 15% cut

Fact Eightteen:
BLM harasses little girls because of skin color. While this may not be a terrorist action, this certainly is EVIL!
Reference: BLM Agitators Harass Young Cheerleaders, Accuse Girls of ‘White Privilege’

Fact Nineteen:
BLM proves once and for all that they are INDEED a terrorist organization as they side with terrorist groups attacking Israel
Reference: Black Lives Matter 'stands in solidarity' with Palestinians

Fact Twenty:
Once again BLM & Antifa show their dictionary/textbook definition of terrorism as they terrorize this woman.
Reference: BLM-Antifa mob terrorizing a woman who was protesting peacefully

Fact Twenty-One:
BLM calls Christmas Parade attack in Wisconsin killing and injuring many (including children) the start of a revolution.
Reference: Milwaukee BLM 'militant' says Christmas parade attack my be start of 'revolution'

Sadly the Presbyterian Church USA supports this Communist/Terrorist Political organization, just take a look at this "snip" from their home page banner:
Presbyterian Church USA supports BLM, Black Lives Matter

VIDEO: Black Lives Matter is a Domestic Terrorist Organization | Change My Mind

Further Reading:
The real mission of “Black Lives Matter” – Destruction of the family, LGBT agenda, open borders, plus bizarre racist doctrine
QUOTES from above article:
"A violent Marxist-Leninist group at its core. Its goals are ultimately destructive to blacks.
A magnet for radicals, shallow white liberals, angry blacks, corrupt politicians, and sleazy corporations.
Their violence, disruption, and intimidation tactics are reminiscent of the Nazi Brownshirts, the true original fascists. And they have vast legal resources to litigate government entities that get in their way and defend the criminal actions of their activists."

As well & in closing, this Terrorist organization hijacked the George Floyd murder which might have been able to achieve real police reform that few admit is not needed for ALL races and not just for unjust killings, but simple abuses of power. However many are so burned out by the terrorism of the clearly Communist/Marxist BLM political organization that the message is now lost.

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