List of News Media Lies/Dishonesty Failures; Stephanopoulos, etc
Updated 9/29/17
See my New Poll;
"Who is the Most Dishonest Person in the Media" at the end of this article!
This article is a ongoing list of omissions, lies and even hate shown by the media (such as George Stephanopoulos, Chuck Todd, & Jonathan Karl) and their liberal friends (I will add to this article as I collect more media lies and/or cover-ups).
Liberals already have their many apologists in the news media, so-called fact checkers, and even entertainment media, so this article does not address lies and omissions that are already addressed by the liberal media.
What is amazing is when commentators on the right such as Rush Limbaugh make genuine apologies, the media is unwilling to accept these, all the while embracing or simply not reporting more crass comments from the likes of Bill Maher, Ed Schultz, Occupy Democrats, or the TheDailyScrew.
I know there are those who will disagree with Rush's apology, but I firmly believe in forgiveness and the benefit of the doubt, as well I listened to his entire show as to this apology and feel one would have to be simply filled with hate themselves to not accept this.
I know my life has been changed by those who have made horrible statements & false charges as to me and my family with no basis in fact, even after these comments were legally found false and libelous, YET I would be willing to accept an apology, but the sad fact is these types of hate filled persons exemplified by many in the media and on the left cannot simply get past their hate.
It is also noteworthy that I come from a family that were/are proud Democrats on both sides (in particular my Mom), but it is these events over my life that changed many of my views, although I still lean left on certain environmental issues (I have been recycling, composting & more long before it was fashionable) as well as some social issues.
Back to the so called "News Media", the extreme dishonesty and desire to run cover for Obama and similar socialists, is a bigger danger to our freedoms than Obama himself.
As well, media darling companies such as Amazon & Google hide behind the lack of objective reporting as to the monopoly and DMCA laws they violate and small businesses they destroy!!
In my opinion, while the banking, insurance industry & others may have many issues of integrity we may or may not agree with, I feel the Main Stream News Media is by far the most corrupt "industry" in the USA with their slander, omissions of important news that will negatively affect those they disagree with, and other misrepresentations of fact.
In fact based on how my life, family (my daughter is still confused by what has happened and how persons could behave as they did), and business has been destroyed by slander by persons acting in similar reckless and intentional methods such as with the news media.
I would state that the news media IS THE biggest evil in this country today, as they are enablers of far left liberal causes often by simply omitting stories or editing quotes if it does not fit their agenda (just like those who slandered me enabled others to step in and harm, damage, and steal from my family).
Often well intentioned, but misinformed liberals (often moderates or even conservative who have been tricked into these views) will point to Fox News as nothing but a right wing propaganda tool, however even assuming this is correct, the left has far more liberal news agencies and media in general on their side, slanting and omitting news stories.
As for Fox, while I actually watch ABC news more just to be as balanced as possible, I still follow Fox News via email alerts and find while they too are far from perfect, they far less often omit facts or slant news stories than ABC, MSNBC or CNN.
Please read on.
First, what is missed by ABC, MSNBC, CNN, etc. is the FACT this controversy is all based on a lie, so regardless of whether players, kneel, lock arms, etc, they are protesting a fallacy.
"Hands up! Don't shoot!" is simply a huge media whopper!
The problem here is that none of it was true.
In the 5000-plus pages of grand jury transcripts, no one--not a single person--not one eye-witness--was able to state truthfully that Michael Brown was shot while running away, that he had his hands up, nor that he ever spoke the words.
As per NFL Rules, QUOTE:
"Then thanks to the coaching staffs of the Pittsburgh Steelers, the Seattle Seahawks, and the Tennessee Titans that were disobeying league rules found on page A62-A63 (which explicitly state:
“The National Anthem must be played prior to every NFL game, and all players must be on the sideline for the National Anthem. During the National Anthem, players on the field and bench area should stand at attention, face the flag, hold helmets in their left hand, and refrain from talking. The home team should ensure that the American flag is in good condition. It should be pointed out to players and coaches that we continue to be judged by the public in this area of respect for the flag and our country. Failure to be on the field by the start of the National Anthem may result in discipline, such as fines, suspensions, and/or the forfeiture of draft choice(s) for violations of the above, including first offenses.”
Some teams believed they were remaining neutral when in reality, they did little more than boycott their own national anthem."
Then you have the fact the way the mainstream news media portrays this story (along celebrities such as late night talk shows), one would be led to believe the majority of people are behind these players. WRONG!
With many people burning tickets cancelling Direct TV NFL subscriptions, and just following the outrage in social media, it is clear this is not true. Then of course the polls show otherwise as well; 64% of respondents said yes, 25% said no and 11% were unsure.
*Why #TakeAKnee Is Built On A Lie
Trump makes this statement: “We’ve got to keep our country safe. You look at what’s happening in Germany, you look at what’s happening last night in Sweden. Sweden, who would believe this?”
Next thing you have headlines from corrupt news agencies such as the New York Times stating: "Last Night in Sweden’? Trump’s Remark Baffles a Nation".
Baffling? REALLY?
While Trump should have been corrected for the "last night" portion of this statement, the rest is demonstrably true, yet even the media so called fact checkers are calling this part a lie, which of course it IS NOT A LIE!
What is baffling is the news media's blantant lying on this issue and that anyone still even watches the news media after this huge lie.
As well, if they had any shred of integrity, late night entertainer such as Jimmy Fallon or SNL would be laughing this dishonesty off.What is also interesting is, as per Sweden politics, we have anti-immigrant politicians making considerable gains, WHY? Well the answer is simple, even a 60 Minutes crew was attacked in one of these immigrant zones where even police often refuse to go.
This in fact is readily documented, yet our EXTREMELY corrupt news media cannot even perform this most basic of investigating.References:
*YouTube; The Truth About Sweden
*Anti-immigration Sweden Democrats become country’s largest party
*Video Released of 60 Minutes Film Crew Being Attacked in Sweden by MigrantsSTEPHANOPOLOUS ATTEMPTS TO CONVINCE PUBLIC THERE IS NO EVIDENCE OF VOTER FRAUD
We now have George Stephanopolous during an interview over the Feb. 12, 2017 weekend attempting to prove there is absolutely no evidence of voter fraud.
Just one recent evidence:
"You won’t hear much about Rosa Maria Ortega after this week. Ortega is the Mexican alien who was caught illegally voting five times in American elections. Ortega is Bigfoot for those in the media, professors, and Democrats who tell us that "voter fraud is as rare as Bigfoot."Unfortunately, when it comes to voter fraud, when you catch one crook, it usually means there are hundreds more hiding in the darkness. When it comes to aliens voting, it’s more like thousands and thousands. And yes, there is evidence of large numbers of aliens getting on American voter rolls for anyone who cares to look, as we shall see."
Illegal Alien Voter Convicted in Texas is Tip of the IcebergI know locally here in Oregon, my daughter (a Republican) had her vote by mail ballot rejected (she received the notification on election day with little time to respond too). She was ready to just give up (which is what they want IMO), but I convinced her to go in on a busy election day and fight this (where she met another in a similar situation who also considered not voting).
The claim was her signature did not match, but it was clear to anyone that the signature clearly matched.ABC also has the audacity to go out and find week kneed Republicans to agree with their lies and condemn such investigations. Is it any wonder Trump won the primary as well as the general election later?
Finally dishonest George has the further audacity to question about the cost of Trump's wall all the while ignoring the billions spent attempting to enforce immigration laws that this wall might help lower costs (as per Border Agents)
Then you have the media narrative that there is a great divide between Trump and the intelligence community.The media continues to push the line that Trump's election was not legitimate due to Russian hacking, despite the FACT if this were 100% true, Russia did not even accomplish winning of the popular vote. Trump strategically won States Clinton ignored such as Wisconsin, Russia had nothing to do with this!!
Then throw in the fake news stories, especially the one CNN pushed (and is continuing to spin to save their network from the ash heap of history), and it gets laughable. Yet you will never see a late night joke about the media incompetence here.
"One of the most outrageous unconfirmed allegations in the report claims the Russians recorded Trump watching Russian prostitutes urinate on each other in a Moscow hotel room previously occupied by President and Mrs. Barack Obama."
Reference: FAKE NEWS: BuzzFeed and CNN fall for Trump “Golden Shower” Story That was 4Chan Prank
This divide is in part being manufactured by the news media itself by their constant pushing that Russian hacking had an influence on the election and of Trump's desire to actually attempt to get along and work with Russia (this is not to ignore their history of atrocities under Putin).
Interestingly you have Obama appointed CIA director John Brennan allegedly being used by both he media and Obama to further discredit Trump and push the Russia narrative, all the while ignoring John Brennan's alleged history of lying, even to Democrats such as Senator Feinstein.
Why is this ignored by our corrupt news media such as the alleged leaders of media corruption George Stephanopolous & Jonathan Karl?
Why Won't The Press Admit That CIA Director John Brennan Lied?
"These nut jobs in the media are losing their sh## over a phone call! Are they bought and paid for by China? Look, I don't have a problem with China or it's people, but we aren't beholden to them. If our media and half the country can morn a murderous dictator, the rest of us can accept a phone call with a democratically elected leader."
This video says it all:
A video referenced below shows how the Washington post helped by George Stephanopoulos and others in the news media totally fabricated the story about his attack on the disabled reporter who lied about the Arab celebrations in New Jersey after 9/11. They used this fabricated story to cover up their failures as to their poor fact checking.
The news media knew well Trump does the arm-waving routine whenever he’s pretending to be a flustered person, but conveniently ignored this fact.
As a side note, I myself remember these celebrations immediately following 9/11 via listening to radio news while driving (I was in my vehicle a lot during this time for my aquarium maintenance business).
MUST VIEW Reference:
*Video; Donald Trump & the Disabled Reporter. The whole truth and not the spin put on by the media.
Jon Karl was once again up to his usual dishonest fact checking spin in claiming that Pence was less than truthful as to his comments in the debate as per a statement he made a month earlier about Obama and Putin's leadership.
Here is Pence's statement:
“I think it’s inarguable that Vladimir Putin has been a stronger leader in his country than Barack Obama has been in this country. And that’s going to change the day that Donald Trump becomes president,”
In truth, Pence said Putin was a “stronger leader” than Obama, which is very different from Kaine’s characterization of his remarks.
This does not mean that Putin is a more moral man as was implied.
A similar comparison can be made between Adolf Hitler and Neville Chamberlain. No honest person can deny that Hilter was a stronger leader than Chamberlain, but that does not make him a more moral man.
Ditto Putin versus Obama, Obama is clearly a weaker leader than Putin (in so many ways), but even those who do not agree with Obama's policies would be be dishonest to state that Putin is more moral.
*Fact-Check: Pence Did Not Say Vladimir Putin Was ‘Inarguably a Better Leader Than Barack Obama’NEWS MEDIA FACT CHECKING LIES ABOUT FIRST PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE 2016
As usual, the news media moderation of the debate reared its ugly head of lack of integrity when it comes to those they oppose/disagree with.
Lester Holt was particularly hard on Donald Trump in a heated exchange on the Iraq War.
The Daily Caller reported:
"Holt interrupted Trump a record 41 times, either to “fact-check” the Republican nominee, or to ask a follow-up question. Clinton was only interrupted seven times during the course of the 90-minute debate.
Holt interrupted Trump the most during a particularly heated exchange about Trump’s stance on the Iraq war. Both candidates attempted to dodge their former stances. Holt challenged Trump in particular, cutting him off several times to assert the business mogul did indeed support the war in Iraq when it was popular."
*NBC Crank Lester Holt Interrupted Trump 41 times, Hillary 7 Times …And Lied About His Positions
Ditto with Jon Karl for ABC/GMA the next morning. He totally refused to honestly fact check Trump as per his private views on the Iraq war, yet he was bold enough and lacking enough integrity to actually tell Mr. Trump what his own views were at the time; quite arrogant!!
As well, Lester Holt & Jon Karl's fact checking of the Birther question was also dishonest in how they spun this against Mr. Trump, when what he did was make it well known, but he most certainly did not start this, it was Hillary Clinton's 2008 campaign.
*Five Times Lester Holt Shilled for Hillary Clinton at First Debate
The mainstream news media is using Trump's statement of banning all Muslims as a diversion from the failure of their own political correctness and failures with Obamas policies dealing with ISIS, which this attack so glaringly uncovered!
One can agree or disagree with Trumps statement (I personally disagree), but the name calling and obsession with this comment has been over the top.
As well, fairness in reporting has not been exercised considering Carter actually had a ban after the Iranian Hostage crisis as well as FDRs internment of the Japanese American Citizens during WW2. So why are these presidents not racists, Hmmmm Mr. Stephanopoulos???
Ditto with President Wilson during WW1.
What is also interesting is we do not read or hear anything about restrictions and internment of German Americans, yet it happened. Were thy just too white Mr. Stephanopoulos and friends???
We also have snopes and other so-called fact check organizations now running cover for the news media and those calling out the news media for their calling Trump a racist while ignoring Presidents Carter or FDR.
For those dishonest organizations, here is Carters own words:
“Fourth, the Secretary of Treasury [State] and the Attorney General will invalidate all visas issued to Iranian citizens for future entry into the United States, effective today. We will not reissue visas, nor will we issue new visas, except for compelling and proven humanitarian reasons or where the national interest of our own country requires. This directive will be interpreted very strictly.” ~ Pres. Jimmy Carter
It seems to me that the news media is actually trying hard to get Trump the Republican nomination as he would not do as well as their favorites such as Hillary and the Democrat's clown in the race that they ignore: Bernie Sanders whom actually thinks MM Climate Change is the cause of terrorism (along with some other strange views about women over the years)!!
Further References:
*ABC: Trump ‘Declared His Own Personal Jihad on American Values’
*Obsession: Network Evening Shows Spend 24 Minutes on Trump’s Muslim Ban
*The San Bernardino Shootings and the Cost of “Clock Boy” Hysteria
*Internment of German Americans; Wikipedia
*Donald Trump is actually an Establishment Candidate, Far From a True Conservative10 DUMBEST THINGS SAID ABOUT THE SAN BERNARDINO ATTACK
The lies and miss-statements are on full display in this video, A MUST view (not long either)
10 Dumbest Things Said About The San Bernardino Attack
While we still should not judge our Muslim neighbors based on this terrible crime, nor should we judge gun owners. This pair was already armed with IEDs.
Sadly too, these dishonest person from the President on down missed the FACT California already has an assault weapons ban in place.
Where the news media also showed their dishonest agenda is the omission of the story about the next door neighbor to this domestic terrorist couple and their home IED factory. This person did not report the couple out of fear of being branded a racist. Of course this shows how our political correctness now has possibly cost 14 persons their lives and this certainly does not fit the mainstream news media's radical dishonest agenda.
Further References:
*San Bernardino Shooters’ Neighbor Didn’t Report Suspicions out of Fear of Being Called Racist
"On the heels of news that he’s slipped to third place in the network late night comedy show ratings due to his alienation of right-leaning voters, Late Show host Stephen Colbert proved why it’s the case on Thursday as he accused Republicans of not being Christians for wanting to put a hold on the U.S. accepting Syrian refugees, contending it's comparable to the KKK as an example of Christians committing acts of terrorism."
As well this KKK comparison is journalistic malpractice, as this comparison simple does not hold water when one digs just a little deeper, as the second reference below shows.
We also have the statistics that show as high as 62% of Muslims in certain regions (Gaza Strip) condone suicide bombings, while one cannot find ANY poll showing even the remotest Christian support for the KKK. This is not to say all Muslims support violence or terrorism, as I know a few as customers who were some of the most hospital people one could meet, but we also cannot ignore statistics in the name of political correctness either.
*Colbert Accuses GOPers of Being Unchristian on Syrian Refugees Comparable to KKK
*Islam/ISIS and Christianity/KKK: How do we discern when a religion is to blame?
"You've probably heard today some variation the idea that "fact checkers are shredding Donald Trump's story" about having seen people in New Jersey celebrating 9/11. This is one of these stories that liberals claim has been "debunked" because a conservative says it happened and they can't independently confirm it."
Apparently the usual liberal fact checkers could not do their job. While one might quibble with the numbers that Trump indicates he remembers, his story is basically correct, despite what Politifact might state.
I might also point out that PolitiFact is the same fact checking organization that called Oregon Governor Kitzhaber who is under criminal FBI investigation the most honest governor in the USA!!!
*If Trump lied about 9/11 celebrations in NJ, why did WaPo report in 2001 that it happened?
*Northern New Jersey Draws Probers Eyes, Sept 18, 2001
*Trump’s Claims About Muslims After 9/11 CONFIRMED! (VIDEO)
*I Live In Jersey And Trump Is Right: Muslims DID Celebrate On 9/11 In NJ . . . We Saw It!
*PolitiFact; Dishonesty, Lies Exposed; Including ObamaCare, Kitzhaber
"A taxpayer-funded organization reportedly selling baby hearts and livers should be a huge story. Not so, say the broadcast networks, which have devoted just 39 seconds to the story, out of the 9 hours and 30 minutes of news shows they’ve aired since it broke.
The broadcast networks censored an undercover video of Planned Parenthood senior director of medical services Dr. Deborah Nucatola explaining how her organization procures and sells the body parts of aborted babies. Of the three broadcast networks, only NBC has mentioned the footage released July 14 by the “anti-abortion” Center for Medical Progress (CMP) – in a mere 39 seconds."
As of late August 2015, the mainstream news media, including ABC whom I watch daily refuses to report in any meaningful way the evil that is Planned Parenthood including a video where a PP partner laughs about shipping baby heads.
All I can say is SHAME and shame on those who ONLY rely on liberal sources for their news (I read and watch both sides, with actually more TV viewing time spent in liberal sources than conservative sources)
*ABC, CBS Ignore Horrific Planned Parenthood Video
If this does not sicken you as a reader, nothing will! Even his colleagues were taken aback by his hate filled interjections into the dialog.
Remember, this is who the media is! “Killing sprees?” Scarborough was stunned “Chris Kyle was going on killing sprees?” MSNBC Morning Joe January 9, 2015
(WFB) NBC foreign affairs reporter Ayman Mohyeldin made the suggestion Thursday on Morning Joe that Chris Kyle, late subject of the hit movie “American Sniper” and credited as the most lethal sniper in U.S. military history, had “racist tendencies” toward Iraqis and Muslims and “went on killing sprees in Iraq on assignment.”
Mohyeldin’s attitude towards Kyle should come as no surprise given his history of biased reporting on the Middle East. Formerly at Qatar-based Al Jazeera, Mohyeldin consistently reported an anti-Israeli viewpoint during the 2014 conflict between Israel and Hamas.
Examples included taping entire segments about the fighting without once mentioning Hamas, a designated terrorist group with the charter goal of killing Jews. Mohyeldin also falsely reported an Israeli drone attacked a United Nations facility that killed more than a dozen Gaza civilians, when in fact it was an Islamic Jihad rocket that had fallen short of its Israeli target.
*MSNBC Reporter Ayman Mohyeldin: ‘Racist’ Chris Kyle Went on ‘Killing Sprees’ in Iraq [Full Video]
*NBC's Mohyeldin Suggests Real American Sniper a 'Racist' Who Went on 'Killing Sprees'GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS FAILS TO DISCLOSE CONTRIBUTIONS TO CLINTON FOUNDATION
"ABC News chief anchor George Stephanopoulos has given $75,000 to the Clinton Foundation in recent years, charitable contributions that he did not publicly disclose while reporting on the Clintons or their nonprofit organization, the On Media blog has learned.
In 2012, 2013 and 2014, Stephanopoulos made $25,000 donations to the 501 nonprofit founded by former President Bill Clinton, the foundation's records show. Stephanopoulos never disclosed this information to viewers, even when interviewing author Peter Schweizer last month about his book "Clinton Cash," which alleges that donations to the foundation may have influenced some of Hillary Clinton's actions as secretary of state."
He did this despite taking part in on-air discussions about the Clinton Foundation and its controversial relationship with foreign donors, which is a major conflict of interest
George Stephanopoulos discloses $75,000 contribution to Clinton FoundationGEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS BADGERS INDIANA GOVERNOR OVER RELIGIOUS FREEDOM BILL
Apparently George decided to show his cluelessness and vileness once more.
George; As an example, I disagree with my now deceased Mother-in law's position on birth control, however I respect her position as a devout Catholic. If she were to have run a catering business and a condom manufacturer's convention were in town and asked her to cater this convention, this law would protect her from legal action in refusing to cater this convention!!
What is wrong with this George? I personally believe in birth control, but respect her position. However in your vile liberal mindset you cannot seem to grasp such simple concepts of respect!!!
In the Christian mindset (right or wrong), adulterers, fornicators are just as sinful as homosexuality. But Christians who slip up on these sins, are not trying to say it is not wrong and push it on everyone else. As well, they are not taking anyone to court trying to bankrupt them. Why is it that homosexuals cannot go to another bakery or Florist if they desire a special cake or arrangement that the business owner, right or wrong, finds offensive to their religious beliefs?
They are the ones who hate when someone does not agree with their lifestyle.
This law simply protects religious freedom, what part of your evil dishonest brain cannot grasp this George?
Further examples; a black owned bakery can refuse to put KKK on a birthday cake, or a Jewish bakery can refuse to place a swastika on cake, or a Muslim bakery can refuse to make a bacon cake with two pigs dancing on the top. This law protects everyones religious freedom.
Are these examples also OK in your morally bankrupt brain George?
Generally well respected NBC News anchor Brian Williams lied on several occasions about being on an aircraft hit by enemy fire, before finally admitting he was wrong after being called out by military personnel who were there.
As a matter of opinion on my part, at least Brian Williams apologized; where are the apologies from his co-worker Ayman Mohyeldin or other so-called journalists George Stephanopoulos or Candy Crowley for their dishonesty?
The News media faced a major handicap in what became a one-sided story. Brown’s parents, understandably grief-stricken, were talking to sympathetic interviewers. Brown’s friends and allies were supporting him. And we had nothing from Officer Wilson or the Ferguson Police Department.
We now know that some eyewitnesses changed their stories, or admitted they never actually saw the shooting.
But their accounts echoed across the media landscape, that Darren Wilson shot Michael Brown in the back, that Brown had his hands up, that he was trying to surrender.
Further Reference:
How a false media narrative made Ferguson worse
The dishonest hack George Stephanopoulos was clearly caught off guard with the facts and was surprised with Officer's clean conscience in following exactly what he was trained to do.
Reference: ABC Exclusive: Police Officer Darren Wilson Discusses Firing Deadly ShotMAINSTREAM MEDIA IGNORES GEORGE SOROS LED SCANDAL AGAINST TX. GOV. RICK PERRY
Texas Governor Rick Perry's Indictment The Work Of Soros-Funded Minions
"Now that the indictment of Texas Gov. Rick Perry is coming up as the mother of all nothingburgers, and even Democrats are steering clear, it's time to look at those behind this scam: George Soros-funded front groups.
Friday's news erupted with a Texas-sized gusher of political mud — Gov. Perry indicted on two felony counts of corruption and abuse of office! And it was all over his decision to defund a "public integrity office" run by a convicted drunk whose failure to resign left an office unable to straighten itself out.
With the news breaking late at week's end, the governor's efforts to defend his actions found relatively few immediate listeners. But as facts came out about the utter meritlessness of the case, it turned out to be just a game."
Further Reference:
What the mainstream media is now doing by omission of facts is well beyond their usual favoring Democrats over Republicans or Liberals over conservatives.
They are now favoring evil over good, and this is simply disgusting and despicable!!!!
"It has been well documented that Hamas, a recognized terrorist organization, has been intentionally firing thousands of rockets at Israeli civilians while using Palestinian civilians as human shields, basing their attacks in hospitals, and hiding their rockets in schools.
Despite these grave war crimes and violation of any semblance of humanity, the mainstream media has bought into Hamas’s propaganda campaign. The terrorists want to be viewed as the victims, and somehow the media is buying into that narrative hook line and sinker.
There are numerous examples of this, like when CNN was confronted by Israel’s Ambassador to the U.S. for refusing to report that Hamas was storing rockets in schools"
Mainstream Media “Fall Over Each Other to Support” Hamas Terrorist Propaganda
Here area just a few pictures from Israel the Mainstream Media refuses to show:
On March 28, Good Morning America's Linzie Janis reported on Brendan Eich, the former head of the tech company Mozilla. Eich was ousted after liberal groups found out that in 2008 he made a $1000 donation to support Proposition 8 in California.
As Janis spoke about the six-year-old donation, video footage of Westboro Baptist protesters with "God hates fags" and "soldiers die 4 fag marriage" signs appeared on-screen in an attempt to imply he was somehow of the same ilk as this group.
See the screen shot below:
Reference (including video proof):
Once again George Stephanpoulos showed why he is the king of dishonest media pukes with his hypocritical comments about the Alleged Vance McAllister affair.
During his days as a Democratic operative, Stephanopoulos had to defend Clinton on more than one sexual scandal. But when ABC correspondent Jeff Zeleny asserted that "Republican leaders" are furious at McAllister's "boneheaded" antics, Stephanopoulos didn't minimize the possible problems: "Yeah, I'll say. I see a lot of challengers coming to run against him."
The news media continues to refuse to put the 'D' next to Democrats who are involved in similar controversies or will even love over them
ABC Reminds: Congressman Caught in an Affair Is 'Conservative' and a 'Republican'
Mean while CA state senator from the San Francisco area and leftist Democrat Leland Yee is ignored by the liberal media. He is accused of running shoulder-fired anti aircraft to terrorists (Moro Islamic Liberation Front).
Sadly, this monster ran on being a big gun control guy.
Once again the liberal media piled on without any knowledge of the facts or the truth. I personal read this first on the despicable Yahoo News.
It started with this Tweet from Matt Drudge:
"Just paid the Obamacare penalty for not 'getting covered'... I'M CALLING IT A LIBERTY TAX!"
After this, Jesse Lee, the Director of Progressive Media at Barack Obama’s White House, responded that that was a “Flat lie, no fee for previous year,” adding, “Scary how much influence he once had.”
What these corrupt persons in the liberal media and Obama administration do not realize, is Small business owners have to file quarterly estimated tax payments – yes, this tax year, 2014 we begin paying the ObamaCare compliance tax for 2015.
*Liberals Show Their Cognitive Dissonance – Attacks Against Matt Drudge ObamaCare Tax Payments Show Their Insufferable IneptitudeNEW YORK TIMES REVISIONISM AND JOURNALISTIC MALPRACTICE AS PER THE BENGHAZI ATTACK OF SEPT. 2012
"In an act of journalistic malfeasance, the agenda-setting newspaper of record concluded over the weekend that the once-obscure “Innocence of Muslims” YouTube video sparked the armed assault that left four Americans dead at the height of last year’s presidential election cycle. The newspaper also concluded that al-Qaeda wasn’t involved, ignoring the mountain of evidence suggesting al-Qaeda was involved."
What is noteworthy is that once mortars were fired on the CIA Annex, it was clear, with no doubt, that this was a pre-planned, organized attack.
A retired military officer at the Department of State, an individual with experience in training and employing mortar squads, knew immediately the implications of mortar fire on the CIA site. This was not a weapon of opportunity nor serendipity. IT WAS PRE-PLANNED!!
The mortar is a crew served weapon and was “sighted” in on the CIA base. What does that mean? The terrorists who were firing the mortar had trained in advance to ensure they could fire the weapon a specific distance to hit the target.
*The New York Times’ Benghazi Revisionism
*The New York Times' on Benghazi: A political whitewash & a pack of lies *Why NY Times Lied about BenghaziMEDIA PROMOTES NELSON MANDELA AS A SAINT, BUT IGNORES KEY FACTS TO LET AN HONEST PERSON MAKE UP THEIR MIND
While an honest person can certainly debate the facts of Nelson Mandela's past and whether or not this makes him worthy of all the praise and adulations heaped upon him at his death, a MISINFORMED PERSON CANNOT!
Many will claim that many of the terrorist acts and associations were warranted, I will not argue since I was not there, and one can argue that in human history, this has happened many times to correct evils.
But to only present this man as a saint is and not present the very dark past of this man for honest debate is intellectual dishonesty at its worst.
To ignore statements such as Mandela hailing of Castro's Cuba: "There's one thing where that country stands out head and shoulders above the rest. That is in its love for human rights and liberty", is journalistic malpractice at its worse.
As well other comments praising Moammar Qaddafi and his and his wife's associations with terrorist activities such as "Necklacing" of their political foes have also been ignored by the mainstream media and even many conservative media outlets too
Networks Set to Ignore Mandela's Communist Party Ties, Dictator FriendsMEDIA CONTINUES TO SPIN THE GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN OF 2013 TO PLACE ALL BLAME ON REPUBLICANS
Reference: How the Broadcast Networks Spun the Shutdown Obama’s Way
Here is an example of just one major story that is not getting reported on CNN, ABC, NBS, etc.:
"Blocking access to trails and programs at South Dakota’s most popular attraction was one thing, but state officials didn’t expect Congress’ budget stalemate to shut down a view of Mount Rushmore.
The National Park Service placed cones along highway viewing areas outside Mount Rushmore this week, barring visitors from pulling over and taking pictures of the famed monument."
The facts are this is a STATE HIGHWAY and Obama and his thugs have NO RIGHT to block what drivers can and cannot do ona state highway!!
Further Reference:
Mount Rushmore blockage stirs anger in South Dakota
As well, all the Republicans in the House are asking is that the President and Congress NOT EXEMPT themselves from ObamaCare as well as that the misguided medical device tax be delayed that has already severely hurt the medical industry and those who need these devices.
Even many Democrats support these two points, yet in my daily morning viewing of ABC GMA, I HAVE YET TO HERE ONE WORD ABOUT THIS! Only more and more of how the Republicans are holding the USA hostage.......utterly sickening!! Where is the MSM in reporting these and other jack-booted thug maneuvers by Obama and Reid, all the while they will not honor the constitutional authority of the Congressional House and compromise even a little??NEWS MEDIA WILL TWIST GOOD NEWS AS BAD AND BAD AS GOOD (OR IGNORE) DEPENDING UPON WHO IS IN OFFICE
With the opening of the ObamaCare Health Care Exchanges a dismal failure, from glitches to insurance policies priced well above what a family of 5 at a low income level can afford (I was quoted $1200 per month), YET the news media reports the program in a positive note or mostly ignores.
In the USA, the mainstream media little of the truth being reported, one has to go to the UK to get news from the USA
As an example, less than 1% of visitors to Health Care exchanges are actually signing up, in California, it is only .58%!!
Source: UK Daily Mail; Less than 1% of visitors are signing up for Obamacare
When GW Bush was president in 2006, despite multiple good economic indicators the news media actually convinced many that the economy was bad.
From: Media Twist Good Economy Into Bad News
"One of the best economic reports of 2006 was a May 25 Commerce Department release showing the economy grew at a robust 5.3% rate in the first quarter. ABC’s World News Tonight gave the news just 17 seconds; the CBS Evening News and NBC Nightly News completely skipped it."
Also this excerpt: "World News Tonight, ABC’s Jake Tapper showcased a woman who claimed she had to pawn her wedding set to put gas in her husband’s truck. A week later, on the May 1 CBS Evening News, reporter Sharyn Alfonsi suggested higher pump prices meant the elderly were going to starve: “They’re used to living on fixed incomes, but now skyrocketing gas prices are forcing seniors to make difficult choices. Some are cutting back on gasoline, others say they’re eating less.”"
Meanwhile gasoline remains at all time highs under Obama, yet not a peep from the mainstream mediaABC COVER UP OF DR. KERMIT GOSNELL's ABORTION TRIAL
In one of the more despicable displays of cover up via total ommission of reporting, ABC GMa led by its stalwart of sleaze, George Stephanopoulos; has failed to report anything about the Dr. Kermit Gosnell murder trial.
Here is one of the most disgusting of crimes that has been allowed to go on against both women and children, but because of the umbrella of political correctness little was done and now little is done by our corrupt national news media to bring this to light. Mean while ABC GMA continues to report about the Jodi Arias trial and other similar alleged crimes that fit their politically correct media template.
How ABCs Stephanopoulos can even live with himself while fails to report about one of the most evil vie, mass murderers in history is beyond me, but in my humble opinion Stephanopoulos is as evil person himself as has ever walked this planet.
Dr. Gosnell is a man who joked as his drove scissors into the backs of baby necks born alive and still crying/screaming, over dosed and then killed women. How this can go un-reported on major news outlet is beyond human comprehension.
ABC ignores trial of abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell
Dr. Kermit Gosnell's Abortion Trial: Why Isn't the Media Covering It?
Here is a blog post and video featuring Hercules Actor Kevin Sorbo:
Hollywood, Media Ignoring ‘Serial Killer’ Abortion Dr. Gosnell – ‘The Crime of the Century’ABC LIES ABOUT SEQUESTER
Once again, I caught ABC GMA in more lies, this time about the budget sequester. ABC and their colleagues have done a such a good job lying that much of the American public actually believes their lies and places the blame solely on the US Congress when frankly the blame goes to everyone in government and who thinks 3% cuts is going to destroy our lives.
In one lie, ABC noted the SBA would cut back on small business loans, thus hurting small businesses.
As a successful small business person since 1978, with sterling credit, and never defaulting on ANYONE; I could NEVER secure a SBA loan.
However I know of other business persons who have failed at every attempt to run a successful business and have terrible credit that have gotten these loans.
The FACTS are the SBA is a joke that is a total waste of tax payer money and should not even exist, yet alone have a small cut back due to the sequester.
Sorry ABC, once again; "YOU LIE".
Most importantly their needs to be much more "pain" than the sequester will perform on our federal budget, and the medias supporting of Obama's lies is not going to help the problem.
The facts are, the Congress gave into Obamas demands in the year in battle (Dec. 2012).
Sadly the need for Federal budget cuts is going to affect real people, but then real people outside of the veil of government have already had to make cuts in their lifestyle, from me and my co-workers, to my parents in their retirement; IS IT TOO MUCH TO ASK THOSE IN GOVERNMENT OR WITH GOVERNMENT CONTRACTS TO DO THE SAME??
See this MUST WATCH non-partisan video:
As is typical, the dishonest news media has only told part of the Christopher Dorner story, leaving out key parts of his manifesto that give praise to Obama and those of similar ilk.
As well he is implied to be this smart, genuine person, when in reality he is a hate filled racist (I personally knew a person very much like him, who was a clear psychopath).
This is part of a bigger media problem where they attempt to paint anyone on the right as hate filled when in fact most despots have come from the left.
Please reference: Socialism, Communism, Nazis, Dorner; The Evil the Left attempts to hideCNN AS A VILE MEDIA OUTLET FOR HAMAS
Hamas leader's and Egypt’s Prime Minister Hisham Kandil called 4-year-old Mahmoud Sadallah a 'martyr' of Israli airstrikes.
CNN called him ‘another victim of an [Israeli] airstrike.’ Newspapers showed his photo as an example of the Palestinian civilians killed by Israel’s ongoing military campaign against militants in Gaza.
The FACTS are 4-year-old Mahmoud Sadallah was killed by a Hamas rocket that fell short in Gaza instead of its intended target: Israel. Ninety-nine rockets fired from Gaza have crashed back into Gaza in the days that led up to this lie. Hamas fires from civilian areas and then hits its own people.
It is noteworthy that the IDF did not launch any air strikes in Gaza while Egyptian PM Kandil was in Gaza.’ Israel had agreed to a temporary cease fire while Kandil was visiting Gaza on 11/16/12.
A common trick of the media is their so-called fact checking, which is nothing more than a smoke screen for mis-information.
From: The Media's 'Fact Check' Smokescreen "Case in point was the rush of "fact check" stories claiming Ryan misled when he talked about a shuttered auto plant in his home state.
What's not true are Kessler's "facts." Ryan didn't suggest Obama was responsible for shuttering the plant. Instead, he correctly noted that Obama promised during the campaign that the troubled plant "will be here for another hundred years" if his policies were enacted.
Also, the plant didn't close in December 2008. It was still producing cars until April 2009.
An AP "fact check" also claimed that "the plant halted production in December 2008" even though the AP itself reported in April 2009 that the plant was only then "closing for good."
CNN's John King made the same claim about that plant closure. But when CNN looked more carefully at the evidence, it — to its credit — concluded that what Ryan said was "true."
Sadly the way I found this dishonest fact check claim was Facebook "Like" from a customer that has no boundries and is often rude and disrespectful, rarely reading facts or article we send him about his fish telling about so called progressives/liberals.OPEN MICROPHONE CATCHES REPORTERS COORDINATING ROMNEY QUESTIONS
This "off the record" audio feed was captured at Mitt Romney's press briefing Wednesday morning before he made his statement on the Libya and Egypt situations. It catches mainstream media reporters teaming up to phrase their accusatory questions and possible rebuttals of Romney's answers in advance.
Sadly all Romney was doing was expressing his disgust with Obama and his leftist friend's apology for our freedom of speech prior to the murder of our ambassador to Libya. I personally as with most honest American have said the same, the these disgusting MSM types simply do not get it!
The FACTS are these idiots in the media have missed the point that Romney's statement was in reference to the Embassy attack in Cairo, NOT the events in Benghazi. They are pushing a lie, and they know it. This is the most shameful piece of media malpractice in a long history of same.
These "reporters" ARE the one using the tragedy in Benghazi, and anyone who cannot see this are puppets!!MSNBC, ANDREA MITCHELL EDIT ROMNEY SPEECH TO MAKE HIM LOOK OUT OF TOUCH
Not much to say here as the less than 1 minute clip from MSNBC with their reporter trolls laughing against the second clips full un-edited speech in context is SO EASY to spot the unethical editing by Andrea Mitchell and here troll accomplices.
Andrea Mitchell calls this Romney's "Supermarket Scanner Moment"
The Catholic church filed 12 lawsuits in 43 jurisdictions, with more to follow, in their fight for religious freedom. It is the single largest religious lawsuit ever filed in the United States against an administration but it has brought little lamestream media coverage.
The minimal coverage generally includes ridicule and straw men arguments. That is how this is going to be reported.
ABC and NBC ignored the story. CBS had a 19 second story which they distorted by calling it a story about contraception.
In Chicago, the TV coverage balanced the 19 second spot on the lawsuits with a 5-minute story about child molestation in the Catholic church. That is the liberal version of fair and balanced.
From: MSM Censures “Freedom of Religion Lawsuits” As Part of The Re-Elect Obama CampaignDEATH OF CONSERVATIVE COLUMNIST ANDREW BREITBART
While George Stephanopoulos attacks Rush Limbaugh for essentially telling the truth (albeit in a less than tasteful way, but still truthful) about a law student (Sandra Fluke) that demands her contraceptives be paid for by her school; Stephanopoulos and his despicable cohorts in the media totally ignore the vastly more hateful speech about the death of Conservative Columnist Andrew Breitbart.
Here are a few examples:
*@TheDailyScrew (an Occupy Supporter)- The sad thing about #Breitbart death is Michelle Malkin didn't go to hell with him.
*@ChicoDelainky - America truly lost an asshole. I’m sure Satan will treat him good
*@mattyglesias - The world outlook is slightly improved with Andrew Brietbart dead
WHERE IS THE MEDIA OUTRAGE for these despicable comments from fellow columnists, bloggers, etc?
The answer is obvious that George Stephanopoulos and his evil ilk will never show any moral integrity.
*DEVASTATING: Andrew Breitbart, R.I.P.
MEDIA LIES, HYPOCRISY ABOUT SANDRA FLUKE (While ignoring Hate Speech on the Left)
The media is again running cover for the Democrats and their disgusting attack on the constitution with the mandated contraception coverage by religious institutions.
Sandra Fluke reported to Pelosi: "It costs a female student $3,000 to have protected sex over the course of her three-year stint in law school, according to her calculations. 'Without insurance coverage, contraception, as you know, can cost a woman over $3,000 during law school,'
According to Planned Parenthood -- and they should know -- birth control pills cost between $15 to $50 a month. So, at most, that would be $600 a year. What is Sandra Fluke buying?
Sorry Rush is correct at least in theory about Sandra Fluke for college shopping for a university that provides such coverage, yet she settles on a university that does not and now demands they pay for her sexual activity!!
Unfortunately in his attempt to make an analogy to highlight the absurd with the absurd he overstepped boundaries of good taste and lowered himself to the level of most liberal commentators. It is noteworthy that his apology was very sincere; something Bill Maher, TheDailyScrew, et-al will never make or get called on (of course apologies are something liberals rarely make unless it is to our enemies that kill our soldiers such as Obama).
In fact while on the subject of crass remarks and apologies, I get rude emails, phone calls regularly in my business with rarely an apology when presented with facts; when I successfully trace these persons view via Facebook, blogs, etc. I have found that 90% of the time these persons are very liberal.
I will also state that I firmly believe in forgiveness, so that is all I ask as I do that others accept my apologies when I make mistakes.
Back to the subject at hand; The Media is attempting to cover up/change the debate over Obama's unconstitutional assault on our constitutional rights of conscience into a debate about "birth control," the Left will now try to destroy Rush and further paint conservatives in a bad light.
From Sandra Fluke: D.A.M. Member, Political Activist, Phony Victim
"The Democratic Attack Machine recently rolled out a supposed 23 year old college student named Sandra Fluke to use as an innocent-looking “victim” who was being denied her “women’s health rights” by a religious university. Georgetown University, to be exact, where she made the choice to attend, even though she admits to researching Georgetown University and their policies about birth control beforehand.
Democrats tried to insert this phony plant, by using an ambush tactic of not notifying the Committee Chairman ahead of time, simply because this “Fluke” is neither an expert on women’s health, a religious scholar, and certainly not a constitutional law scholar, which are just some of the related qualifications that would suggest that Fluke would be able to add anything substantial to the committee discussion. No, Sandra Fluke is now proven to be nothing more than a discredited political activist puppet, and just another tool for the desperate Democratic Attack Machine of 2012.
It has now come to light that Sandra Fluke is a 30 [not 23] year-old political activist/feminist/typical Democratic Attack Machine disingenuous disgrace. The only thing missing on her just-now-coming-to-light resume’ would be her probable connections to the GLBT political activist front groups. This fake episode of the supposed poor, young college student being abused and denied her “women’s health-care rights” while being paraded before Congress had all the makings of a D.A.M. farce right from the beginning. Fluke’s demanding other’s be forced to pay for her birth control and abortion pills is right out of the Planned Parenthood manual, along with a smattering of the supposed Occupy victim-card players propaganda and filthy common beggar syndrome.
BTW; Where was the media outrage over Bill Maher's very crude reference to Sarah Palin's female "parts"????
Of coarse none, as socialists such as George Stephanopoulos delightfully reports half truths while our nation goes down the toilet.
It is also noteworthy that Bill Maher contributed $1,000,000 to the Democrat Party, which is not a subscription entity. But not a word from George Stephanopoulos and his lying ilk. Evidently $1,000,000 from someone who regularly throws pig-excrement at the people he hates (and they are legion) is a perfectly acceptable Democrats, that is.
Another liberal commentator, Ed Schultz called Laura Ingraham a slut The following are direct quotes from Schultz:
“President Obama is going to be visiting Joplin, Mo., on Sunday but you know what they're talking about, like this right-wing slut, what's her name?, Laura Ingraham? Yeah, she's a talk slut.”
-Did Obama demand Ed Schultz apologize to Laura Ingraham for calling her a "right wing slut"?
-Did Obama personally call Ingraham to "see if she was ok"?
Carbonite advertises on The Ed Schultz Radio Show.
Companies Participating in the Media Misinformation & Hate Fest
*Carbonite (I already canceled my subscription and told them why)
*Sandra Fluke: D.A.M. Member, Political Activist, Phony Victim
*Make an example of Carbonite
*Investors flee Carbonite after Limbaugh announcement *Rush Limbaugh Apology
*Left Freaks Out Over Limbaugh Fluke Remarks.
*YouTube; Sandra Fluke Opening Statement (C-SPAN)
Despite their eagerness to condemn Rush Limbaugh these Democrats refused to condemn Bill Maher's hateful attacks on Sarah Palin. Weird how that works, huh? Click on the image below to watch the video.
This is related to the previous media misinformation.
This one is more insidious as Hillary Clinton and other Democrats made this false and hateful charge and the disgusting media "ran with", with the results of further brainwashing of those who do not think past what the media dishes them. As well this appeals to those who cannot get past the hate many media types have on the left for those with any kind of family values or morals.
First I will make the point that Bill Maher has made many attacks on his show toward women with conservative values or against women who choose to home school their children. As well he has refused to apologize, unlike Rush Limbaugh.
If anything one can make the charge that Bill Maher and his many hateful friends on the left have a war on women. HOWEVER I would put forth this is simply him and others simply crudely putting forth their political views (which outside of the crudeness, they have every right to do without silly accusations being leveled at them!!).
What I find so EXTREMELY offensive is the hateful misinformation level at Sean Hanitty and other conservatives that have no basis in fact!
I have listened to him and it takes little honest discernment to realize this man and others (including myself) have no secret hate, war, or anything else against women.
One part of the misinformation is that institutions such as Georgetown have a right to their religious views against birth control (which I actually do not agree with BTW). What is not reported is that these same health plans allow for the use contraception for medical purposes (such as my daughter), just not so that a student, employee, etc. can have "free sex".
I personally do not think my taxes should then cover (via Obama Care) someones "free sex" lifestyle and I am EXTREMELY offended by the implication that by not supporting either of the before mentioned that I have a "war on women".
This though is what many blog posts and the media implies by circulating this false "war on women story".
As well while Planned Parenthood has every right to exist, I and others do not support my tax money going to support this organization.
While many supporters of this organization will rightfully state that they provide many more women's services than abortions (which BTW I personsally am not against for certain instances, just not birth control); the facts are that Planned Parenthood provides abortions to minors without consent and even with adults, they often strongly counsel FOR abortions rather than alternatives.
WORSE as per my own very personal knowledge, this organization will counsel women without spousal consent when the patient is Clinically Depressed, and there are others that are others who know that when their depression is brought under control that they would regret such a decision for the rest of their life.
Without going into detail, my son would not exist if my mother-in-law had not caught on to what Planned Parenthood was counseling her daughter to do. Frankly this is pure evil!
The bottom line is this is just a diversion from the facts of Obamas failures as likely the worst president in our nations history at a time when his extremely failed energy policies are destroying our economic recovery and business such as mine. Simply put; shame on the media and those believing these lies put forth that are both morally destructive and frankly evil lies at their core!
Limbaugh, Fluke, ‘War on Women’ and the Travesty of Cravenly Caving to Lies of the Left
If any really hate exists against a sex it is by the extreme feminist movement (BTW, I am not putting forth that all advocates of womens rights are as hateful as portrayed in this reference:
No mainstream Media outlets report the missile attack on Israel near the time of Passover Celebrations in what is obvious to any open minded person as an attempt of the news media to shield Obama from his failed policies during an election year. This includes his unwavering support for the Muslim Brotherhood despite their clear anti-Israeli views.
See: Rocket fired from Egypt hits Israeli Red Sea tourist resortMISINFORMATION IN GEORGE ZIMMERMAN CASE:
Rather than allow the courts provide George Zimmerman a fair trial, the left leaning media decided to make this a case about race.
Worse was the constant editing of the facts such as NBC editing 911 tapes to portray George Zimmerman to be a racist. NBC claims the producer was fired, but refuses to disclose anything (do you smell a hypocrisy here?)
As well ABC news so-called "smoking gun" video that ABC portrayed as evidence of NO struggle. However, when enhanced DID show evidence of a struggle.
Even Obama stuck his disgusting nose where the Federal government did not belong.
The facts are my opinion nor that of the news media matters; Let the jury (or Judge) decide this case.
*“Seasoned” NBC News producer fired, still anonymous
*NBC News fakes transcript of 911 tape to make Zimmerman appear racist.
*ABC News was wrong about George Zimmerman’s injuriesOBAMA "EVOLVES" WHILE ROMNEY "FLIP-FLOPS":
The news media is refusing to challenge or even repeating the Obama talking points that the President has "Evolved" as to now believing in Gay Marriage.
However any changes of heart by Mitt Romney such as orginally being pro-choice and now is pro-life is a "Flip-Flop".
Sorry News Media Trolls, either Obama Flip-Flops as well or Romney evolves too; you cannot have it both ways!!!
*MEDIA: Obama “Evolves”, Romney “Flip-Flops”
George Stephanopoulos and his dishonest news minions take glee in reporting a questionable story about Romny being a bully in High School WHILE IGNORING A MUCH MORE CREDIBLE story later on where Mitt Romney helped locate missing teen daughter of Bain Capital partner, saving her life.
See: In July 1996, Mitt Romney helped locate the missing teenage daughter of a partner at Bain Capital
This is rather typical of ABC, NBC, CBS, and others; never doing any digging about Obama's VERY shady past while attacking anyone they deem a threat to their extreme socialist agenda.MEDIA IGNORES NEWS STORY OF RECOVERABLE OIL; 'About Equal to Entire World’s Proven Oil Reserves':
All the liberal mainstream news media outlets, including ABC, CBS, CNN, NBC, and MSNBC ignored the news about the discovery that the Green River Formation, a largely vacant area of mostly federal land that covers the territory where Colorado, Utah and Wyoming come together, contains about as much recoverable oil as all the rest the world’s proven reserves combined, an auditor from the Government Accountability Office told Congress on May 10.
Obviously this does not meet with their template which supports Obama's plan of dependency on his ideas that clearly do not work and also keep our fuel prices up, economy down, and money in the pockets of terrorist supporting nations!!
GAO: Recoverable Oil in Colorado, Utah, Wyoming 'About Equal to Entire World’s Proven Oil Reserves'MEDIA IGNORES AN IN DEPTH NEWS STORY DE-BUNKING MAN MADE GLOBAL WARMING while reporting another flawed short term study
The main stream media once again reports a flawed NOAA report where by short term date was extrapolated to prove man made global warming.
Since much of the USA has had a very warm past year, it was an easy sales pitch to make to a gullible public, this despite the fact much of the world was actually cooler.
Much more importantly was another study that was/is VASTLY more in depth and goes back in millennia of data and PROVES a a long term cooling slope; nowhere in the main stream media can this report be found
See this article for further information:
Global Warming Hoax Exposed; Half Truths, Myths, Manipulated Data, & Socialist AgendaNPR's SCHILLER DENIES LIBERAL BIAS
While NPR might be less outwardly liberal than some agencies such as MSNBC or CNN, I can state from listening to NPR often during my long drives to Los Angeles and back for business (13 hours each way), that they do have a liberal bias, just more subtle and most often by the most subtle method of all; OMISSION!
Reference (with a few examples of liberal bias by NPR):
NPR's Schiller Denies Liberal Bias, But Station's Content, Policies, Board Say Otherwise
Labels: Benghazi, Bill Maher, Cover-up, Drudge, George Stephanopoulos, Hamas, Hate, Hypocrisy, Isis, Israel, Jon Karl, lies, Limbaugh, Media Dishonesty, sequester, Terrorism, Trump, War on Women, Zimmerman
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