Solar Activity- & Man-Made Global Warming
I am just dumbfounded how so many persons can believe such an obvious lie as Global Warming. This scares me far more for our children’s future than the possible Global Warming as being this naive can allow so many other even worse evils into our world.
However based on my own personal experience, this naïve allowing of lies to perpetuate has already begun in other aspects of life where other fail to see truth and look to image as of more importance. See this blog for more on this subject:
My Thoughts

The Earth hit its peak warming of this cycle between 1998 and 2002 (and is heading down) and even then it never peaked as high as during the Medieval Warm period.
Every real scientific evidence points towards Sun spot activity as the cause of any real climate change.
What arrogance of man to think his tiny contributions of any kind can make this much difference (look at the billions spent fighting the Yellowstone fires in 1988 and a small September snowstorm was all it took to put these fires out).
Reference: The Human-Caused Global Warming Myth
What the Man-Made Global Warming Crowd keep this myth alive is doing is to only use urban data then extrapolate this to raw rural data that actually shows cooling.
Here is Oregon we have had two years in a row with snow where snow does not normally fall (and not just one snow fall either). Then there is China and the Middle East (Israel, Jordon, Lebanon)also experiencing similar unusual cold waves.
Admittedly this is anecdotal, but so is much of the manipulated evidence presented by the Man Made Global Warming crowd.
Here is Oregon we have had two years in a row with snow where snow does not normally fall (and not just one snow fall either). Then there is China and the Middle East also experiencing similar unusual cold waves.
For my other Man-Made Global Warming Posts:
Global Warming Hoax Exposed; Half Truths, Myths, Manipulated Data, & Socialist Agenda
Global Warming Farce
Here is an awesome resource with credible links to data showing a reversal in global Warming:
January 2008 - 4 sources say “globally cooler” in the past 12 months
Labels: human caused, man made climate change, man made global warming, Myth, Soft water, Solar Activity
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